The Evolution of User Interfaces: From GUI to Voice and Gesture Recognition

User interfaces (UI) have come a long way since the advent of graphical user interfaces (GUI). As technology continues to advance, so does the way we interact with digital systems. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating evolution of user interfaces, from the traditional GUI to the emergence of voice and gesture recognition. […]

5 Key Features For Fintech App Development

Fintech App Development

The Fintech sector has been rapidly evolving and developing with the rise and fall of the pandemic that threw light on new opportunities for the financial sector.  With people now more aware, wary about covid-19 – they are turning to fintech apps for their personal financial management to stay home and manage their banking and […]

How Good UI/UX Can Influence Your Business

Fintech Software Development

Before we dive into the how and why of good UI/UX, you have to understand what is UI/UX. UI – the User Interface can simply be put as the design or what your client or customer may see and the UX – the User Experience is how the user feels about using your product or […]

Importance of UX in E-Commerce | Guiding Conversions

Importance of Ux in E-Commerce

Editor’s note: This is part one of the two part UX UI for ecommerce blogs. To read about the importance of UI in ecommerce and how to implement it, check this knowledge article: Importance of UI in E-Commerce | Influencing Conversions. The E Commerce industry thrives on conversions, on a high quantity of conversions to […]

User Personas for the Retail Industry

retail user persona

Starting a Retail App, Product, Website or Business? What’s the first step in launching a business? It’s the discovery session, where you define who your target audience is, draw a user persona, map out their entire lives. Why? Because everything you do from then on, is to grab the attention of that select group of […]

How To Design UX For Increased App User Retention

design ux for increased app user retention

We have been talking a lot about app releases lately. We recently penned two articles on marketing strategies you must follow before and after the release of your mobile app. What these marketing strategies do for your app is, skyrocket its visibility and consequently, downloads. However, what every seasoned entrepreneur, developer, or marketer is painfully […]

4 Direct Consequences of Incredible UX Design

4 direct consequences of incredible ux design

In the industry today where interfaces are proliferating, UX design has a critical role to play. UX, as the name suggests, is ‘User Experience’. It is the journey traversed by an app, software, or website visitor, the emotions they feel, and the story they are told. A lot of entrepreneurs and engineers focus on UI, […]